Today’s Greatitude

Talk Like a Pirate Day

Ahoy Matey-Today be talk like a pirate day.  Want to be surprisin’ your coworkers?  Want to be annoyin’ your spouse?  Throw a few “Arrrrr’s or Aye’s” in your language today and blunder your family and friends!

Created by two friends in 1995 as a joke, Talk Like a Pirate Day, on September 19, has become a beloved faux-holiday that lets everyone channel their inner Captain on the high seas.

Although real pirates likely didn’t use much of the vocabulary we now think of as “pirate lingo,” Talk Like a Pirate Day gives us a fun opportunity to break out of our routine, learn some history, and celebrate a bygone era.

So grab some grog(if you’re of drinking age), gather up some maties, and let your imagination take you on an adventure on the high seas!

Imagination of the collective…that be some of the stuff of good!




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