Inclusive Family Support Programs
Inclusion Is A Family Affair
Inclusion Foothills offers programs for different members of the family to address gaps in other services, pursue skill enhancement, create open communication and social connections, and build deeper, life-long relationships.
Without accountable advocacy and intentional intervention, those with disabilities have some of the least opportunity, most isolation, and disadvantage. Poverty, unemployment, and homelessness are the most prevalent outcome for most.

ABC's of Family Centred Supports
As a parent, sister, brother, cousin - we have all had to stand up for what’s right, try to be heard and even helped that friend find their voice.
We all need someone to believe in us and for us to believe in something. Whether a dream of being a teacher, to ride a horse, to have a puppy… to to dream you need to believe it’s possible.
With the help of family centred supports, we see the dream become reality. Sometimes the dream doesn’t look like we first thought, but through collaboration, discussion, and having people in our camp, families are able to access what they need and navigate systems. Families are given the tools to carry out what is best for their family member.
Programs for Parents and Caregivers

1-1 Outreach Support
With so many options to navigate, figuring out the right supports for your unique family situation can be daunting and confusing. Inclusion Foothills’ Outreach coaches are experienced assisting families connect with the appropriate supports and advocating for those supports. These can range from healthy child development, financial health and financial benefits, independent living, guardianship, trusteeship, long term financial security, and delivery of services. We can help you with:
Who: parents and caregivers
Cost: no cost

Step Up Group
The Step Up Group is an opportunity for parents of children with pan-disabilities to meet and make connections with other parents. Through sharing, learning, and exploring topics relevant to their family, participants will gain comfort in knowing they are not alone in their journey.
Who: parents and caregivers
Cost: no cost

Emergency Alert ID Cards
This identity card captures critical personal information needed by 1st Responders to assist an individual in case of an emergency. The card is sized to fit in wallets or with your vehicle registration and can be given to children on field trips, caregivers, etc who might be with the individual.
Who: any Foothills County resident
Cost: $5 per card
Where: applications to capture relevant details for the card are available at the High River office
Programs for Youth
Inclusive Employment
Inclusion Foothill’s inclusive employment programs assist individuals with a disability, vulnerable or at-risk youth, and those experiencing barriers work to find and maintain employment. The programs focus on skill enhancement, coaching, and assisting employers with accommodations. Discover which Inclusive Employment program will support your personal situation.
Who: youth 16 years of age to adults
Cost: no cost
Where: High River and Okotoks

Digital Youth Pocketbook
The go-to resource for youth in Southern Alberta covering topics from A-Z. You'll probably find resources and services you didn't even know you could use.
Programs for Kids

Sibshops provides a safe, confidential, non-judgmental, and fun environment where brothers and sisters of special needs siblings meet other siblings, enabling them to develop supportive relationships and coaching skills.
With a lot of fun and laughter involved, sibs have the opportunity to talk to other sibs about the good and not-so-good parts of having a sibling with special needs. Quite often, attending Sibshops is the first time a sibling meets others who “get it.”
Those who attend experience a lasting positive effect on how they feel towards their sibling, learn coping strategies for sticky situations, and leave with a better understanding of the services their sibs need.
Who: siblings of children or youth with disabilities or barriers
Ages: 6-12 years of age
Cost: no cost
When: throughout the school year
Join in the Sibshops fun to explore your superpowers!
Date: January 25, 2025
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Location: 327B Macleod Tr SW High River
Theme: Working Together
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